Hello my friend and thank you
for the last time that we met,
you can see I obviously like you.
Do you know that I appreciate
you treat me with respect,
I will never use my ray of light to blind you.


Do you know what you are -
your a shining silver star.
You´re the one who saw inside
my heart I so tried to hide.
You´re the man I belong to.


All the things I tried to tell you -
I can only say so much,
untill you open up and learn to love me.
I feel like I´m on fire
by your fingers single touch,
but I can´t reach you standing there above me.


Do you know what you are,
your a shining silver star.
You´re the one who saw inside
my heart I so tried to hide.
You´re the man I belong to.


The flames are burning deeper,
signally you resist.
I´m everything you´re not - that´s why you like me.
I knew that I was fallen
the first time that we kissed,
and time will tell that you belong beside me.


Do you know what you are,
your a shining silver star.
You´re the one who saw inside
my heart I so tried to hide.
You´re the man I belong to.

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