A new chapter.
I feel like I´m reading the same one
again and again.
The morning after
you´re somebody else,
I can see that you
have to pretend.
I feel embarrassed,
like I am not good enough,
I don´t come close to you´re heart.
No longer matters
that yesterday we were together
now we are apart.

A brand new feeling
hit´s me in the back
I believe I am falling to deep.
My eyes revealing
that something is
seriously wrong
I don´t eat - I don´t sleep.

You sweet pretender.
I gave you my heart on a
silver plate once and for all.
It´s what you stand for.
I walked up the hill
with you - you pushed me
and man did I fall.
Like hell I miss you.
I gave up the search
for a replacement there´s
no one at all.
The hell I went through.
I´m still standing up,
I will never get over that fall.

Why cant you love me?
Why won´t you allow me to rest
in your arms one more night?
You stand above me -
pointing your finger
in judgement
you turned off the light.


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